Friday, April 23, 2010

missing the old days

yeah,, im missing the old days.. i used to spend my lonely days finding a quiet place at school just to ponder and think about a lot of things.. back then i had so much time to waste.. im already 23 feeling like i dont want to waste time anymore.. i feel like i have done so little in my time.. thanks to the background music who gave me the idea that i should write something about what i feel right now.. hays.. i dont know if i just feel like this because i miss someone or i just feel that i have lost everything after the wrong things i did in my life.. hays.. but i guess that was both..

all around the world statues crumble for me.. i just wana fly.. put your arms around me baby.. that song reminds me of her.. hays.. damn.. higschool memmories kill me now.. music brings a lot of memmories men.. hays..

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